Tom Bielik- Science, Education & Beyond
I'm an Assistant Professor at Radboud University and a senior lecturer at Beit Berl College in Israel, where I teach pre-service science teachers. My research focuses on engaging students in advanced digital learning environments, using inquiry and Project-Based Learning approach, supporting teachers and students in developing their critical thinking, modeling practices, and systems thinking.
I received my B.Sc. in animal science from the Department of Agriculture at the Hebrew University and my M.Sc. in cancer research from the Department of Cell Research and Immunology at Tel Aviv University.
My PhD thesis was achieved at the Department of Science Teaching at the Weizmann Institute of Science, where I also received a teaching certificate in high-school biology. Following that I moved to Michigan, USA to conduct post-doc research at CREATE for STEM Institute at Michigan State University. Following that, I was a research associate at the Biology Didactics Department at Freie University in Berlin, Germany.
I was also a middle school science teacher and a program director at the Davidson Institute for Science Education.
Selected scientific publications:
- Far apart and close together: Fritz Haber and Haim Weizmann
- Investigating complex phenomena: Bridging between systems thinking and modeling in science education
- Perceived relevance of critical thinking for biology graduate students
Selected articles in media:

:Lectures and workshops